Monthly Archives: February 2018
Royal Bermuda Yacht Club

Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. Having survived my first year as a cocktail blogger (woo-hoo!) and since the first drink I wrote about was the Daiquiri I thought it might be a good time to look at an interesting twist on … Continue reading
Wild Mountain Thyme.

Wild Mountain Thyme. Named after a traditional Scottish song this drink was an attempt to get three of my most beloved ingredients – Blackwood’s gin, Amaro Montenegro and Punt e Mes – to play nice together. I’ve been kicking this … Continue reading
Tijuana Tonic.

Tijuana Tonic. It seems like a very long time since I wrote about a long drink. So here we go. The Tijuana Tonic is what they like to sip on just over the border from San Diego. Either that or … Continue reading
Ultimatum Selected Rum.

Booze reviews! Since this is the very first of my spirit reviews let me explain how it’s going to work. I’m not going to be taking the whole “I taste slightly damp shoe leather, stewed gooseberries and a hint of … Continue reading
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