Monthly Archives: April 2018
Margarita – part 1.

The Margarita. Without getting into the veritable maze of creation claims for the Margarita let’s just point out that this popular classic is surprisingly modern with no recipe appearing in print before 1953. Even in the (likely) case that there … Continue reading
Pisco Inferno + home-made chili liqueur.

Pisco Inferno. We recently looked at a very tasty classic cocktail – the Pisco Sour. Tinkering around with such classics is a fun way to come up with new drinks, most of the hard work already having been done for … Continue reading
French 75.

French 75. While the combination of the internet and a renewed interest in classic cocktails has been a wonderful thing, giving us all sorts of new research into drinks of old it has one downside. The simple and elegant creation … Continue reading
Pisco Sour.

Pisco Sour. Pisco is a South American grape brandy from either Peru or Chile. In fact there is nothing Peruvians and Chileans like to argue about more than which of them invented pisco and its definitive cocktail the Pisco Sour. … Continue reading
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