Author Archives: Andy
Black Sakura.

Black Sakura. It’s the time of the year when the Japanese go nuts for cherry blossom (aka sakura). And as it happens I’ve been going nuts trying to add one or two sake based cocktails to my repertoire. The problem: … Continue reading
Monky Business + Buckfast.

Monky Business. Monks seem to have a bit of a thing for making booze (Dom Perignon, Benedictine, Chartreuse, Averna, Trappist beer etc.) and it seemed to me that we should recognise their noble dedication with a cocktail in their honour. … Continue reading
The Short Straw

The Short Straw – Alternatives to the plastic straw. There is, quite rightly, a bit of a war on single use plastics going on these days. I’m fully on board with the idea that no turtle should have to swim … Continue reading

Zapoteca. One of my favourite versions of the Negroni is the unimaginatively named Mezcal Negroni which simply replaces gin with a good quality mezcal. But what if we double down on the substitutions in a quest for something that is … Continue reading
Mezcal review – Los Siete Misterios Doba-Yej.

Mezcal Review – Los Siete Misterios Doba-Yej. One of the main problems with mezcal is finding a good mixable one that doesn’t break the bank. The usual choice is the widely available Del Maguey VIDA but my long time favourite … Continue reading
Blood and Sand.

Blood and Sand. There is perhaps no other member of the classic cocktail canon that gets as much hate as the Blood and Sand. And not entirely because of its unappealing name and muddy colour. People say it just doesn’t … Continue reading
Black Manhattan + cocktail cherries.

Black Manhattan. A relative newcomer in Cocktailville, the Black Manhattan was created in 2008 by Todd Smith at Bourbon and Branch, San Francisco. A cocktail of quietly elegant simplicity it should be a breeze for any reasonably well stocked home … Continue reading
Robert Capa + gastrique

Robert Capa. Other than cocktails my interests include photography and history and all of those happen to converge in the person of Robert Capa, the godfather of modern photojournalism. Capa’s partial autobiography Slightly Out of Focus is a surprisingly amusing … Continue reading
Hip Flask Hack #1

Hip Flask Hack #1 Hogmanay is imminent and if you’re going to be out on the randan for the bells you might want to take something in a hip flask to fortify yourself against the elephants. Scotch is a typical … Continue reading
Park Avenue.

Park Avenue. If there’s one city that deserves the title Capital of Cocktails it’s the city that never sleeps, New Amsterdam, the melting pot, Gotham, the big appletini; New York City. Because of this there’s barely a part of NYC … Continue reading
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