Author Archives: Andy
Terrible Love.

Terrible Love. I recently created a drink named after a song by The National but it seems I’m not the only one to have done so. I was perusing my new copy of the Death & Co cocktail book* when I … Continue reading
The Bee’s Knees & The Business.

The Bee’s Knees & The Business. Sometimes cocktails can seem like hard work. Many modern recipes are somewhat complex and often their ingredients can be hard to source. This is probably a bit inevitable as most of the obvious … Continue reading
Satan’s Whiskers.

Satan’s Whiskers – straight, curled or twisted ? This curious drink goes back to at least 1930 when it showed up in the Savoy Cocktail Book written by Harry Craddock. As Harry simply compiled a gargantuan mountain of recipes without telling … Continue reading

Nosferatu. I’m not usually one for Hallowe’en cocktails but I’ll make a exception just this once. My contribution to the genre is the Nosferatu which owes its inspiration to the dinner scene in the 1922 seminal horror classic of the … Continue reading
Calico Jack + home-made spiced rum.

Calico Jack. Let’s look an example of making a new cocktail by taking an established classic and modifying the crap out of it. The Calico Jack is a Daiquiri derived cocktail I came up with many years ago and hadn’t … Continue reading
Hanky-Panky + Fernet Branca.

Hanky-Panky + Fernet Branca. The Hanky-Panky is a seriously old school cocktail created by Ada Coleman of the American Bar of the London Savoy Hotel sometime before 1923. Ada or “Coley” as she was affectionately known was very probably the … Continue reading
The Treacle.

The Treacle. We looked recently at The Bramble created by Dick Bradsell. This time we’ll explore a less well known drink of Dick’s called The Treacle. Now if you’re British you’ll need to be patient for a minute while I … Continue reading
Syrups – simple and not so simple.

Simple – and not so simple – syrups. As you will have noticed a fair number of cocktail recipes call for some kind of syrup. Usually simple syrup but often some other variation. I’ve given a rough explanation of those … Continue reading
The Bramble.

The Bramble. One of a tiny number of classic drinks to come out of The Dark Ages, the Bramble was created in the mid 1980s by legendary British bartender Dick Bradsell. Sadly we lost Dick to cancer last year but … Continue reading
Bitters: down the rabbit-hole?

Bitters. Look, we need to talk. It’s a difficult conversation I’ve been putting off for too long but I think we both know it’s time to get it out in the open. Yep, it’s time to talk about bitters. When … Continue reading
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