Category Archives: Ingredients
Rebujito + sherry.

Rebujito + sherry. Sherry cocktails? Seriously? Isn’t that just for old ladies? Well apparently not, as sherry seems to be finding its way into many high-end cocktails these days. Is it because craft cocktailistas are always on the lookout for … Continue reading
The Boulevardier + rye whiskey.

The Boulevardier. To be honest this is all just an excuse to talk about rye whisky so let’s zoom through the Boulevardier and get down to business. Pronounced Boo-leh-var-dee-yay. Created in 1927 by Harry McElhone for the American editor of … Continue reading
Molly Picon + Amer Picon.

Molly Picon. I have to admit that I don’t know too much about this drink so let’s engage in a little detective work. I wrote this recipe down quite a while ago from something I read on one of those … Continue reading
Hanky-Panky + Fernet Branca.

Hanky-Panky + Fernet Branca. The Hanky-Panky is a seriously old school cocktail created by Ada Coleman of the American Bar of the London Savoy Hotel sometime before 1923. Ada or “Coley” as she was affectionately known was very probably the … Continue reading
Syrups – simple and not so simple.

Simple – and not so simple – syrups. As you will have noticed a fair number of cocktail recipes call for some kind of syrup. Usually simple syrup but often some other variation. I’ve given a rough explanation of those … Continue reading
Bitters: down the rabbit-hole?

Bitters. Look, we need to talk. It’s a difficult conversation I’ve been putting off for too long but I think we both know it’s time to get it out in the open. Yep, it’s time to talk about bitters. When … Continue reading
Batavia Swizzle + arak

Batavia Swizzle. It’s swizzling time again folks but this time we’re transplanting this Caribbean classic all the way across the world to make an “East Indies” version. Yes, today our base spirit will be Batavia Arak [sound of needle scratching … Continue reading
Blending spirits + infinity bottles.

Starting an infinity bottle. When it comes to aged spirits – whiskey, rum and cognac – distillers usually mix the contents of a variety of the barrels in their warehouse to create their final product for bottling. The blender’s art … Continue reading
The Last Mariachi + mezcal.

The Last Mariachi. Here’s the thing: I’ve recently developed a bit of a mezcal habit. For a long time I thought, like many of us, that mezcal was a cheap and somewhat dodgy version of tequila. And it often was. … Continue reading
The 1015 + “the best bitters in the world*”.

The 1015. You’ll have to indulge me on this one if you’re not from the good ole Netherlands as all the ingredients in this drink hail from Amsterdam and are, at this time of writing, spectacularly unavailable beyond the Dutch … Continue reading
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