Tag Archives: absinthe
Remember Your Name.

Remember Your Name + riffing on classics. The dirty little secret of the craft cocktail movement (I dislike the term, but whatever) is that the vast majority of cocktails on the menu are just riffs on classic recipes. In fact … Continue reading
Remember the Maine.

Remember the Maine. I first approached the Remember the Maine with the intention if riffing on it because I hate the name of this drink so much but then I remembered how good it actually tastes and have left my … Continue reading
The State I am In.

The State I am In. The serious cocktailist should take inspiration wherever it is to be found. A while a go I was listening to a track by Belle and Sebastian and took the line “When she saw the funny … Continue reading
Dr Frankenstein.

Dr Frankenstein. We’ve been riffing on the the Dr Funk a lot recently but we need to be careful not to change it too much in case we create a monster. Hang on. I think I just had an idea… … Continue reading
Dr. Faust.

Dr. Faust. Recently we looked at the tropical Doctor Funk cocktail and I promised you some variations of it. When embarking upon a variation voyage the first thing we consider is a change of base spirit. Sometimes it works and … Continue reading
Doctor Funk + absinthe.

Doctor Funk. The Doctor Funk is an interesting summer cooler that I don’t feel gets nearly the attention it deserves. In one sense it stands entirely alone: While the whole Tiki genre pretends to be Polynesian only the Doctor Funk … Continue reading
Shot With a Diamond.

Shot With a Diamond. Sometimes you have a concept for a drink. Sometimes that concept stubbornly refuses to turn into anything anyone would actually want to drink. This is the story of such a drink. This is the story of … Continue reading
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