Tag Archives: classic cocktail
The Ultimate Daiquiri

Ultimate Daiquiri. It’s been just about eight years since I posted my first article here and I thought we’d celebrate the anniversary by revisiting that recipe – the noble Daiquiri. This time the mission is not to explain via the … Continue reading
Naked & Famous + the Chartreuse Crisis.

Naked & Famous + the Chartreuse Crisis. If we’re looking for modern classic there is nothing that fits the bill more perfectly than the Naked & Famous created by Joaquín Simó at Death and Co. NYC in 2011 as the … Continue reading
Red Hook + Maraschino liqueur.

Red Hook. When it comes to easy wins in cocktaildom it doesn’t get much better than the Red Hook. This indisputable modern classic requires just three ingredients in simple proportions and needs no bitters or garnish. Nice. However the Red … Continue reading
Pimm’s Cup

Pimm’s Cup Just recently we were talking about punches. And yeah, punches rock but something like a Fish House Punch takes a bit of organising and preperation. What if we want to make a nice summery drink for a small … Continue reading
Hotel Nacional Special + pineapple juice

So f***ing special. Hotel Nacional Special. Back in the Halcyon days before communism, when Cuba was America’s playground run by brutal puppet dictators and the mafia, the rich and famous liked to stay in Havana’s prestigious and historic* Hotel Nacional. … Continue reading
The Doctor + Swedish Punsch

The Doctor + Swedish Punsch There are a not insignificant number of older cocktail recipes that call for an ingredient called Swedish Punsch and that tend to bring the budding cocktailista to a shuddering halt. What is this exotic ingredient? … Continue reading
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