Tag Archives: classic
The Martini.

The Martini. Creation myths of the Martini are many and varied and we are unlikely to ever find out which of them are true. What we do know is that by the first years of the 20th century the Martini … Continue reading
Satan’s Whiskers.

Satan’s Whiskers – straight, curled or twisted ? This curious drink goes back to at least 1930 when it showed up in the Savoy Cocktail Book written by Harry Craddock. As Harry simply compiled a gargantuan mountain of recipes without telling … Continue reading
Hanky-Panky + Fernet Branca.

Hanky-Panky + Fernet Branca. The Hanky-Panky is a seriously old school cocktail created by Ada Coleman of the American Bar of the London Savoy Hotel sometime before 1923. Ada or “Coley” as she was affectionately known was very probably the … Continue reading
The Treacle.

The Treacle. We looked recently at The Bramble created by Dick Bradsell. This time we’ll explore a less well known drink of Dick’s called The Treacle. Now if you’re British you’ll need to be patient for a minute while I … Continue reading
Americano / Milano-Torino.

Americano / Milano-Torino. Not to be confused with the warm drink (a perfectly good espresso completely ruined by the addition of hot water*), the Americano is a mixed drink that has a difficult time of things. Like its namesake it’s … Continue reading
The Sidecar.

The Sidecar. Here’s a cocktail with a solid 100 years on the clock. Created in Paris (Harry’s New York Bar and the Paris Ritz Hotel both claim the honour) during the first world war, legend has it that it was … Continue reading
The Gold Rush + A Proper Drink.

The Gold Rush. Sometimes you just want a simple cocktail devoid of fancy ingredients and techniques. Sometimes you want a cocktail that doesn’t have a complicated history or backstory. Sometimes you want a Gold Rush. Created by Milk & Honey … Continue reading
El Diablo.

El Diablo. One might be forgiven for thinking that all classic Tiki drinks are rum drinks. The truth is that up to 5% of them use *gasp* other spirits. But this one is truly an outlier among outliers – you … Continue reading
The Last Word.

The Last Word – Bartenders talk about this drink in hushed reverential tones for it is truly a masterpiece of liquid engineering. Probably originating from the Detroit Athletics Club around a century ago, The Last Word is an unlikely sounding … Continue reading
The Aviation.

The Aviation – one name, two drinks. The Aviation is a cocktail that is very close to my heart. I shook up my first one in 1998 in the dying days of The Dark Ages and I’ve made more of … Continue reading
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