Tag Archives: Collins
11 Dashes.

11 Dashes Happy 2021 readers! Let’s hope this is a better year for everyone and especially the beleaguered hospitality industry who have been particularly battered by 2020. Maybe after the festive season – or what passed for it this year … Continue reading
French 75.

French 75. While the combination of the internet and a renewed interest in classic cocktails has been a wonderful thing, giving us all sorts of new research into drinks of old it has one downside. The simple and elegant creation … Continue reading
Rebujito + sherry.

Rebujito + sherry. Sherry cocktails? Seriously? Isn’t that just for old ladies? Well apparently not, as sherry seems to be finding its way into many high-end cocktails these days. Is it because craft cocktailistas are always on the lookout for … Continue reading
Tijuana Tonic.

Tijuana Tonic. It seems like a very long time since I wrote about a long drink. So here we go. The Tijuana Tonic is what they like to sip on just over the border from San Diego. Either that or … Continue reading
The Collins Family

The Collins Family Today was the first day of the year where the mercury hit 20°C so it’s time to mix up some spring drinks. Say “Hi” to the Collins family. This is a family that can move into my neighbourhood … Continue reading
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