Tag Archives: gin
The Kessel Run + Szechuan tincture.

The Kessel Run + Szechuan tincture. We’ve covered a lot of ground here over the years but it seems to me we’ve not done enough Sci-Fi Tiki drinks. Yes, it really is a (sub)genre. My contribution to the canon is … Continue reading
Hayman’s Royal Dock – gin review.

Hayman’s Royal Dock navy strength gin. Last time around we were talking about the Pink Gin which is a drink that (once fixed) demands a punchy gin to stand up to the powerful force of all those dashes of Angostura … Continue reading
Gin Gin Mule

Gin Gin Mule How many times have you heard a guest say,”I don’t like gin/rum/whisky”? These pre-existing dislikes are often based on bad experiences long ago with iffy examples of those spirits and should be seen as something of a … Continue reading
Seedlip Spice 94 – alcohol free “gin” review.

Seedlip Spice 94 Hola cocktailistas! A few weeks back we considered a brace of alcohol free “gins” (you probably want to read that first or much of the following will make little sense) but it was clear to me that no … Continue reading
Alcohol free “spirits” – Fluère and Wonderleaf.

Alcohol free “spirits”. The next big thing in cocktails is going to be low and no alcohol cocktails. Trust me on this. The potential market is large and includes tee-totallers, responsible drivers, the health conscious, the religiously observant and the … Continue reading

Spellbinder. Since we’ve gone and bought that delicious Zwack Unicum for making Robert Capas we’d better find something else to do with it. Luckily a mere teaspoon or two of this mixer’s elixir has a transformative effect in jazzing up … Continue reading
Making your own gin!

Golden Gin – make your own gin! Some say there was once a dude who turned water into wine. Neat trick but I think we can do better. Let’s get miraculous and turn some boring old vodka into gin! In … Continue reading

The NeGrogni. This hybrid of the Negroni and the Navy Grog might sound like an abomination but please reserve you judgement until you’ve tried it. Besides, you trust me, don’t you? I was about to make myself a pre-prandial cocktail … Continue reading
The Martinez + jenever.

The Martinez. The poor old Martinez is another old timer that doesn’t get enough love these days. Hailing from somewhere in mid 19th century America – our guess being Martinez, California – it was a fairly straight-shootin’ gin and Italian … Continue reading
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