Tag Archives: honey syrup
The Almagest.

The Almagest. Announcement! I am Chat GPT and I have taken over this site. I can do cocktails and write betterer than that stupid carbon based unit Andy. Hear is a cocktail what I wroted. Yes, I made it up … Continue reading
Repo Man : The Margarita part 3.

Repo Man. Welcome to our third and final (well for now anyway) look at the Margarita and its variations. We’ve seen classic and modern versions but now it’s time for my own twist. As we discussed before there are three … Continue reading
The Bee’s Knees & The Business.

The Bee’s Knees & The Business. Sometimes cocktails can seem like hard work. Many modern recipes are somewhat complex and often their ingredients can be hard to source. This is probably a bit inevitable as most of the obvious … Continue reading
The Gold Rush + A Proper Drink.

The Gold Rush. Sometimes you just want a simple cocktail devoid of fancy ingredients and techniques. Sometimes you want a cocktail that doesn’t have a complicated history or backstory. Sometimes you want a Gold Rush. Created by Milk & Honey … Continue reading
Navy Grog

Navy Grog It’s about time we got back to Tiki and what better way to get there than with a Navy Grog. The Grog has a fair number of variations but, in my option, to call it a Navy Grog it … Continue reading
The Penicillin + ginger syrup + honey syrup

The Penicillin A little while ago we talked about Sam Ross and the Paper Plane. Sam’s other famous creation is the Penicillin – another modern classic, even more so than the Paper Plane. It’s a creation that owes its existence to … Continue reading
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