Tag Archives: lime
Jet Pilot (+ Test Pilot).

Jet Pilot. When it comes to Tiki it’s safe to say that almost all the best drinks were created by three big names; Don the Beachcomber, Ernest Raymond Beaumont Gantt, and Donn Beach. They were actually all the same guy … Continue reading
Chief Lapu Lapu.

Chief Lapu Lapu. If there’s one drink that is represents the Tiki genre better than any other I believe it’s this one. Yes, Mai Tais, Zombies and Navy Grogs are better known these days but the Chief was a staple … Continue reading

Mojito. I owe the mighty Mojito an eternal debt of gratitude. For (around these parts at least) it was the Mojito craze of the 1990s that kick-started the cocktail revival. Indeed the Mojito was my introduction to the world of … Continue reading
Dark ‘n Stormy + Trump & Stormy.

Dark ‘n Stormy™ + Trump & Stormy. While you can’t copyright a cocktail recipe it hasn’t stopped a few companies trademarking cocktail recipes. The most interesting example of this is Gosling Brothers Ltd’s aggressive pursuit of anyone who dares to … Continue reading
Planter’s Punch.

Planter’s Punch. The Planter’s Punch is completely different from any of the other recipes you’ll find on these pages. While it certainly sounds like a specific drink it is, in reality, more of a whole group of drinks founded on … Continue reading
Margarita – part 1.

The Margarita. Without getting into the veritable maze of creation claims for the Margarita let’s just point out that this popular classic is surprisingly modern with no recipe appearing in print before 1953. Even in the (likely) case that there … Continue reading
Pisco Sour.

Pisco Sour. Pisco is a South American grape brandy from either Peru or Chile. In fact there is nothing Peruvians and Chileans like to argue about more than which of them invented pisco and its definitive cocktail the Pisco Sour. … Continue reading
Pegu Club.

Pegu Club. We recently looked at the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club cocktail and this libation has a similar history. The Pegu Club was the favourite hang-out of pre-war British colonialists in what was then Burma and is now Myanmar. This … Continue reading
Royal Bermuda Yacht Club

Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. Having survived my first year as a cocktail blogger (woo-hoo!) and since the first drink I wrote about was the Daiquiri I thought it might be a good time to look at an interesting twist on … Continue reading
The Bee’s Knees & The Business.

The Bee’s Knees & The Business. Sometimes cocktails can seem like hard work. Many modern recipes are somewhat complex and often their ingredients can be hard to source. This is probably a bit inevitable as most of the obvious … Continue reading
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