Tag Archives: Navy grog
Full Nelson + Wood’s Navy Rum.

Full Nelson + Wood’s Navy Rum. I was recently able to get my hands on some older bottles of one of my favourite rums and thought it must be time for a sprawling and ill-conceived article about a product that … Continue reading
Gunfire Grog.

Gunfire Grog. To call it a cocktail would certainly be wrong but there exists a drink in British Army tradition that has caught my attention. Simply a rum ration added to a mug of strong black tea, the Gunfire was … Continue reading
Tiki Lovers Dark Rum – Review

Tiki Lovers Dark Rum. This is a rum that I’ve been hearing good – if vague – things about from the Tiki community for quite some time but never quite got around to trying because I wasn’t really sure what … Continue reading
Trenchtown Grog.

Trenchtown Grog. There is no cocktail that I enjoy tinkering with more than the Navy Grog (well, maybe the Negroni) and given that there are three different rums as well as bitters and the sweet component the combinations are close to … Continue reading

The NeGrogni. This hybrid of the Negroni and the Navy Grog might sound like an abomination but please reserve you judgement until you’ve tried it. Besides, you trust me, don’t you? I was about to make myself a pre-prandial cocktail … Continue reading
Navy Grog

Navy Grog It’s about time we got back to Tiki and what better way to get there than with a Navy Grog. The Grog has a fair number of variations but, in my option, to call it a Navy Grog it … Continue reading
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