Tag Archives: Punt e Mes
Busted Flush.

Busted Flush. I’m sometimes asked how I name my cocktails. Mostly I’ll look for a connection between the main ingredients and see if anything suggests itself but when that fails I turn to The List. Huh? Well, whenever I hear … Continue reading
Remember the Maine.

Remember the Maine. I first approached the Remember the Maine with the intention if riffing on it because I hate the name of this drink so much but then I remembered how good it actually tastes and have left my … Continue reading
Blackthorn and Patxaran.

Blackthorn and Patxaran. The Blackthorn is one of those awkward cocktails to write about as while it is arguably a “classic” it has also had several versions over the years. Over time this has settled into two versions but they … Continue reading
Red Hook + Maraschino liqueur.

Red Hook. When it comes to easy wins in cocktaildom it doesn’t get much better than the Red Hook. This indisputable modern classic requires just three ingredients in simple proportions and needs no bitters or garnish. Nice. However the Red … Continue reading
Man O’ War.

Man O’ War. While it might be quite a stretch to call the Man O’ War a classic cocktail, it’s such an interesting drink I think it’s worth a look. Details on its creation are thin on the ground and … Continue reading
New Amsterdam.

New Amsterdam. The tweaking of rock solid classic cocktails is a great low effort way to have some creative fun. The Manhattan is an excellent base for such experimentation with its simple formula of whisky, Italian vermouth and bitters. While … Continue reading

Roadrunner. A wee while ago we made some coffee infused bourbon and it’s such a wonderful thing that it would be a shame not to use it in some more recipes. And in our last exciting episode we talked a … Continue reading
Red Star + star anise infused Campari.

Red Star. Being aware that some of you good readers might not be in possession (yet) of exotic amari and fancy liqueurs called for in many aromatic stirred cocktails I came up with this simple yet satisfying concoction for the … Continue reading

Zapoteca. One of my favourite versions of the Negroni is the unimaginatively named Mezcal Negroni which simply replaces gin with a good quality mezcal. But what if we double down on the substitutions in a quest for something that is … Continue reading
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