Tag Archives: rum
Fish House Punch + oleo saccharum.
Fish House Punch. Before the drinking world settled on the cocktail as its sophisticated drink of choice there was another concoction that oiled the wheels of the well-to-heel. The punch – likely of ancient Indian origin – was de rigeur … Continue reading
Old Cuban.
Old Cuban. Just recently we were looking at the Gin Gin Mule by Audrey Saunders so it seems like the right time to examine her other famous creation – the Old Cuban. It’s a kind of French 75/Mojito lovechild that’s … Continue reading
Rum Review: Coruba NPU & Coruba 7 year old.
Rum Review: Coruba NPU and Coruba 7 year old. There’s a particular flavour present in some (but by no means all) Jamaican rum that is completely almost unique in the rum world. Often described as “funk” or sometimes “hogo” or “dunder” … Continue reading
Zombie. I’ve been putting this one off for too long. Not because there’s anything wrong with the Zombie – in fact it is one of my favourite cocktails – but because it’s a complex drink with a complex story. The … Continue reading
Jet Pilot (+ Test Pilot).
Jet Pilot. When it comes to Tiki it’s safe to say that almost all the best drinks were created by three big names; Don the Beachcomber, Ernest Raymond Beaumont Gantt, and Donn Beach. They were actually all the same guy … Continue reading
Doctor Funk + absinthe.
Doctor Funk. The Doctor Funk is an interesting summer cooler that I don’t feel gets nearly the attention it deserves. In one sense it stands entirely alone: While the whole Tiki genre pretends to be Polynesian only the Doctor Funk … Continue reading
Chief Lapu Lapu.
Chief Lapu Lapu. If there’s one drink that is represents the Tiki genre better than any other I believe it’s this one. Yes, Mai Tais, Zombies and Navy Grogs are better known these days but the Chief was a staple … Continue reading
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