Tag Archives: rye
Remember the Maine.

Remember the Maine. I first approached the Remember the Maine with the intention if riffing on it because I hate the name of this drink so much but then I remembered how good it actually tastes and have left my … Continue reading

Fallback. This autumnal cocktail, which was created by the late legendary cocktailista Sash Petraske, caught my attention because of the somewhat unusual preparation instructions. According to his book Regarding Cocktails the ingredients are just built (cocktailspeak for poured into) … Continue reading
Black Manhattan + cocktail cherries.

Black Manhattan. A relative newcomer in Cocktailville, the Black Manhattan was created in 2008 by Todd Smith at Bourbon and Branch, San Francisco. A cocktail of quietly elegant simplicity it should be a breeze for any reasonably well stocked home … Continue reading

Brooklyn. While everyone has heard of the Manhattan it’s less well known that New York’s other four boroughs also have cocktails named after them*. Today let’s look at the Brooklyn – a drink with issues. The main components of the … Continue reading
Ward Eight.

Ward Eight. Here’s a drink that’s both 19th century (just) and that we have a pretty solid history for. There’s also pretty widespread consensus on the recipe. It’s not too often that all of that happens. The Ward Eight was … Continue reading
New York Sour.

New York Sour. You know how it goes; you’ve had some friends over for dinner and at the end of the evening there’s a quarter of a bottle of red wine left over (yes, yes, but let’s just pretend that’s … Continue reading
Apprentice + internet recipe hunting.

Internet recipe hunting. We’ve got it easy these days. The internet gives us access to an enormous array of cocktail recipes – and of course I’m pleased to play some small part in that. But the downside of this ocean … Continue reading
Vieux Carré

Vieux Carré. By popular request we’ll be looking at the Vieux Carré cocktail today. While another famous New Orleans cocktail that we looked at recently, the Sazerac, forces us to choose between Cognac or rye the Vieux Carré solves our … Continue reading
The Sazerac

The Sazerac Apologies for the lack of posts in the last couple of weeks. I was hard at work on my cocktail fact finding mission to the Caribbean and Florida (henceforth: CFFM2CF) to ascertain the state of the tropical cocktail in … Continue reading
The Old Fashioned

The Old Fashioned. We’re going to carry on keeping things simple for a little bit longer. Today we look at the wonderfully spartan Old Fashioned, which may have a fair claim to being the first cocktail. Especially if we’re being very … Continue reading
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