Tag Archives: vermouth
Newbury + Mr Boston Bartender’s Guide

Newbury + Mr. Boston Bartender’s Guide. Recently a good friend* lent me his 1941 Old Mr. Boston Bartender’s Guide an iconic tome that has been in print continuously since 1935. I got my first (2006) copy as a gift in … Continue reading
Remember Your Name.

Remember Your Name + riffing on classics. The dirty little secret of the craft cocktail movement (I dislike the term, but whatever) is that the vast majority of cocktails on the menu are just riffs on classic recipes. In fact … Continue reading

The NeGrogni. This hybrid of the Negroni and the Navy Grog might sound like an abomination but please reserve you judgement until you’ve tried it. Besides, you trust me, don’t you? I was about to make myself a pre-prandial cocktail … Continue reading
The Martinez + jenever.

The Martinez. The poor old Martinez is another old timer that doesn’t get enough love these days. Hailing from somewhere in mid 19th century America – our guess being Martinez, California – it was a fairly straight-shootin’ gin and Italian … Continue reading
Blood and Sand.

Blood and Sand. There is perhaps no other member of the classic cocktail canon that gets as much hate as the Blood and Sand. And not entirely because of its unappealing name and muddy colour. People say it just doesn’t … Continue reading
Park Avenue.

Park Avenue. If there’s one city that deserves the title Capital of Cocktails it’s the city that never sleeps, New Amsterdam, the melting pot, Gotham, the big appletini; New York City. Because of this there’s barely a part of NYC … Continue reading
Kingston Negroni.

Kingston Negroni. I’m continuing to mark the anniversary of this blog by rewinding to the second drink I ever wrote about; the majestic Negroni. Again, we’ll look at an interesting variation of the classic formula – of which there are … Continue reading
The Martini.

The Martini. Creation myths of the Martini are many and varied and we are unlikely to ever find out which of them are true. What we do know is that by the first years of the 20th century the Martini … Continue reading
Satan’s Whiskers.

Satan’s Whiskers – straight, curled or twisted ? This curious drink goes back to at least 1930 when it showed up in the Savoy Cocktail Book written by Harry Craddock. As Harry simply compiled a gargantuan mountain of recipes without telling … Continue reading
Hanky-Panky + Fernet Branca.

Hanky-Panky + Fernet Branca. The Hanky-Panky is a seriously old school cocktail created by Ada Coleman of the American Bar of the London Savoy Hotel sometime before 1923. Ada or “Coley” as she was affectionately known was very probably the … Continue reading
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